⚽ Planning to celebrate Euro 2024 with your customers or staff? Get 15% off any ready-to-go football game!

New Branded Games and Service Upgrades 2024 Announcement Blog Header

"The game has been a great engagement tool and the perfect way to bring our campaign to life."

Are you ready for branded games?

Wondering if a branded game would work for you? You're only 20 questions away from instantly finding out if a game campaign will work for your brand.

"The game delivered really great results for us, with fantastic engagement and a 60% opt-in rate."

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"The journey to the last day is always important and the Peek & Poke team continued to be incredibly supportive and caring. Maybe others can develop games – but it’s not just about that."

Easter Bunny Boost Seasonal Flyer Game

Ready-to-go games

These cost-effective pre-packaged games are ideal for smaller budgets, one-off events or shorter campaigns. Available in a range of seasonal and industry themes, many games offer in-game branding opportunities – from billboard graphics and posters to hoardings round the side of a race track!

Simply add your logo, change the in-game copy and imagery with the user-friendly game editor tool and off you go.

Greene King Employee Engagement Game - Gameplay Screenshot 2

Tailored games

Fully customisable tried-and-tested games are ideal for larger businesses and established brands looking to make larger amends to a game like changing the game environment and adding new characters or collectibles.

Our team of expert marketers, designers and developers will help you create a branded game experience your customers won’t forget.

"The delivery was perfect. It was a stable solution that ran smoothly throughout the duration of the campaign. Peek & Poke showed great interest in the campaign as it progressed and I definitely would recommend them to someone who is looking for a game!"