Yellow Spider Be Data Ready Maze

Helping Yellow Spider drive footfall at their client’s event booth with a tailored maze game!

Yellow Spider Be Data Ready Maze

589 plays across 2 events

Over 100 scores submitted

41 GDPR-compliant opt-ins

"I wanted to ensure we could maximise our client’s branding and go-to-market themes on our booth whilst ensuring that potential customers were attracted by an innovative new entertainment idea."

Claire Jackson, Programme Director, Yellow Spider

"I really liked the game idea as a new way to attract customers to our booth rather than piles of plastic SWAG. The game itself was built to encapsulate a business theme which resonated with the audience."

Claire Jackson, Programme Director, Yellow Spider

"Organising an industry event for a corporate company is a massive project involving numerous suppliers and it was good to see that out of about 20 suppliers Peek & Poke were the most reliable and supportive throughout. Thanks Peek & Poke it was a pleasure working with you!"

Claire Jackson, Programme Director, Yellow Spider

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