Pringles Prize Drop

In 2019, we helped ZEAL Creative on their mission to put a special gift in every can of Pringles!

Pringles Prize Drop

912,826 games completed worldwide

630 days of total audience engagement

160,777 players across 40+ territories

"We wanted to create a Pringles themed game that could be used as a digital gift to consumers for entering our ‘Prize With Every Can’ promotion and ties into the theme of the promotion, across 40+ markets. After our creative group head spotted Peek & Poke, we looked at case studies online and this was very similar to what we wanted to create."

Danielle Oxborrow, Senior Account Executive, ZEAL Creative

Pringles Prize Drop Tailored Game Menu Screen
Pringles Prize Drop Gameplay 1
Pringles Prize Drop Gameplay 2
Pringles Game Flavour Unlocked New Level
Pringles Prize Drop Gameplay 3
Pringles Prize Drop Gameplay 4
Pringles Prize Drop Tailored Game Instructions in German
Pringles Prize Drop Game Loading Screen
"The final delivery exceeded our expectations – the creative looks amazing and the game works really well. We were really pleased that Peek & Poke were able to help us achieve this across so many markets and that so many consumers interacted with the game."

Danielle Oxborrow, Senior Account Executive, ZEAL Creative

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