boohooMAN found the perfect collaboration to launch their first ever branded in app game, resulting in over half a million plays!
Over 665,000 games played
60% opt-in rate
11 mins engagement per player
"We’ve been working on gaming for a while and now seemed the perfect time to release whilst people are at home in need of entertainment. It was also important to release the right quality of game that our users get value from and enjoy. Teaming up with Quavo was the perfect fit."
Victoria Pearson, E-Commerce Manager, boohooMAN
"Peek & Poke are a great team. They guided us through the process and helped us deliver our very first boohooMAN game. We’re really proud of giving our customers something fun during difficult times and it’s the first game of many I’m sure."
Victoria Pearson, E-Commerce Manager, boohooMAN
"The game delivered really great results for us, with fantastic engagement and a 60% opt-in rate."
Victoria Pearson, E-Commerce Manager, boohooMAN